Friday, May 31, 2019

Green Willow(Japanese Literature) :: essays research papers

Without honor, life is meaningless. According to the folktale, Green Willow, honor is essential to an individual of Japanese decent. This tale explains what the people of this country value and how they function. As the story unfolds, so do the components that form what Japan is. The background contains the codes and classes in which they live. The plot draws our attention, however it is the elements of the farming that is taken into account. In addition, it presents a conflict that is dealt with by society everyday. That is, being distr put to worked from our tasks. In the act of facing that conflict, good judgment should be used. The conclusiveness of the main character reveals what arises when you do not.       Honor was used as evidence or a symbol of distinction in this culture. The people remained the right to conduct their good name. This code that they emphasize in their country is denominated as the bushido. An example of applying this system to their lives is in the manner of how they conform to their classes. Each person received and opulent title or rank. A samurai warrior, for instance, could not surpass the law by marrying "a mere peasant girl" without the permission of his daimyo. In contrast, the samurai would ask the parents for her hand in marriage and they would respond with gratitude. The warrior is "a person of too a degree for them to consider refusing the honor of his request."     The hospitality of the Japanese people is also accredited in the folktale. It is not often that a person would be taken in and accommodated. Despite that common belief, the parents of Green Willow shelter and aid the samurai on his journey. This act of kindness shows that this is a nation with pure and humble intentions. It is evident in the old couples appreciation for Tomotadas "condescending to overlook their daughters peasant origins" and offered her as "a gift, a humble handmaid" to him.     Furthermore, this tale manifested a true dilemma that our society goes up against daily. Responsibilities are supposed to come before ones own personal gain. If a person becomes enraptured in their own self-seeking task and overlook their duties, that person will eventually suffer for it. Japan regards honor as something you countenance to strive for. It must be earned. The main character broke the rules of his the country had already established and paid for it in innumerable ways.

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